Mobile App Schedule Page
From the Schedule page, users may click on any Event tile to view detailed information or make Cover-Requests for their scheduled shifts.
- Header:
- Notes >: View Daily Notes that have been entered for the visible schedule range.
- Locations >: Toggle to multiple Locations for different Schedule views and settings. (Users must toggle to view Events in other Locations.)
- Upcoming Schedule View: Shows a current and future view of the Schedule.
- Working Tab: Shows user's scheduled shifts for the week.
- Time Off Tab: Shows any approved time off within the date range.
- All Events Tab: Shows the published date's Scheduled, Approved Time Off, and Pending Requested Events.
- Month View: Shows the current, past and future calendar Month of the schedule.
- Toggle between Months by swiping left or right over the calendar.
- Events: Click into any day's Events to view more detailed information, such as:
- Start time, End time, User Name, Position, Location, Break Start, Break Duration, ~Tags, Notes, ✔ Confirm Event, and Coworker Details.
- Create Request Button: Floating action button located at the bottom right of the screen, used to create a new Payroll Event or Unavailable Request.
- Create New Request Event: When the Create Request Button is clicked, the New Request Event modal will appear. In this window, set the parameters of the Event. If the Event is Repeating:
- Enter the End Date for the Event.
- Choose if the Event repeats Daily, Weekly, on a certain Day of the Month, or Monthly on a certain day of the week.
- The Repeating Interval allows the user to select whether the Event occurs every 2nd or 3rd week, or any combination of weeks or months.
- If the Event occurs weekly, select the Weekdays for which the Event falls on.
- Lastly, enter any Notes for the Admins to see.